聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=767820&day=2014-04-04
Two of America’s closest Asian allies played out their historic rivalry in the U.S. state of Virginia, with South Korea celebrating victory after state lawmakers approved legislation requiring that the Korean name for the Sea of Japan be included in new school textbooks.
Virginia’s House of Delegates voted 81-15 to approve the two-line bill, which requires "that all text books approved by the Broad of Education ... when referring to the Sea of Japan, shall note that it is also called the East Sea."
The bill had already been approved by the state Senate. Governor Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, has veto power but spoke on behalf of the Korean perspective during his campaign for governor and is widely expected to sign the measure.
It was a significant victory for vocal campaigners among Virginia’s 82,000 Korean-Americans, who greatly outnumber the state’s 19,000 ethnic Japanese and showed up in the hundreds to cheer the vote in the state capital, Richmond. (Reuters)
hand something to someone:慣用語,用手把某物交給某人。本文標題hand victory to Koreans即是將勝利交給韓國人,即韓國人獲勝之意。例句:This message was just handed to me.(這訊息剛交給我/我剛收到這訊息。)
play out:慣用語,發展開來。
outnumber:動詞,數量上勝過。例句:Europe’s far-left are set to outnumber the Liberals in the next European Parliament, according to a pan-EU opinion poll published recently.(根據一份最近公布的泛歐洲民調,下屆歐洲議會的極左派議員將比自由派更多。)
聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=767820&day=2014-04-04