聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=772442&day=2014-04-21


Dr Manuel Rico has started work at Chile’s Concepcion hospital as part of his student residency. And the hospital has even had to organise a press conference to announce is arrival.


The 24-year-old reportedly has women literally queuing up for an examination. But this past "Mr Spanish Beauty 2010" now wants to be taken seriously.


Not only is Rico really handsome, his surname even means "rich" or "delicious" in Spanish which seems rather appropriate.


After studying his medical degree at Córdoba University in Spain, Rico arrived in Concepción, Chile in late 2013 to complete his internship in gynecology at the university hospital there.


On his arrival at the hospital, authorities laid on a press conference, which caught the attention of the local media. Soon after this, the press was reporting about the long queues of women outside his surgery at the hospital.


However, to give Rico his due, he has apparently got tired of being famous as a pretty boy and would rather be taken seriously, and focus on his medical career.


He said he would rather remain anonymous.



queue up:動詞,排隊(等候)。例句:Hundreds of people queued up for hours to have free food.(數百人排隊等了數小時領取免費食物。)

lay on:動詞片語,安排,提供。例句:The organizer laid on a luncheon after the conference.(主辦單位在會後安排午宴。)

give someone his/her due:動詞片語,公平對待、評論某人。例句:He is not the best, but to give him his due, he works really hard.(他不是頂尖的,但平心而論,他非常努力工作。)


聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=772442&day=2014-04-21


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