聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=771712&day=2014-04-18
87-year-old Carl and 81-year-old Barbara Becker of Rixeyville, Virginia made headlines when news of their letter to the editor, detailing an episode at the Culpeper McDonald’s, spread and eventually got them free meals for life. The couple says that fast food employees kicked them out of the restaurant because they were sitting "too long."
The pair were enjoying their regular routine of a mid-afternoon McDonald’s snack, when they were stopped by an employee cleaning up. Ms. Becker told WTTG Fox 5, "The dust started kicking up and it was just flying everywhere and she says, ’Does this bother you?’ And I said, ’Only if you like to eat dirt does it not bother me.’" After the incident with the Mickey D’s employee, the manager approached. "He says, ’You two have to leave. Your half hour’s up and we have to clean this floor, now,’" recalled the great-grandmother of 16.
這對老夫妻是在享受他們例行性的午後麥當勞點心時,遭到一名清掃員工打斷。貝克太太告訴WTTG Fox 5電視台,「灰塵飄起來到處飛揚,她說,『這困擾妳嗎?』我說,『只有喜歡吃灰塵的人才不會覺得困擾吧。』」在與這名麥當勞員工對話後,經理走上前來。「他說,『你們倆得離開。你們的半小時到了,我們要清地板,現在就走,』」這位有16名曾孫的老阿嬤回憶說。
The couple left the restaurant and kept their attitude of going with the flow and laughing things off. When they returned home, Carl drafted his letter to the editor and sent it off to the Culpeper Star Exponent.
Once the letter was printed, the story quickly spread across social media. One of the people who saw the Beckers’ story was Shawn Moss, owner of Shawn’s Smokehouse BBQ in Culpeper. Moss says he believes strongly in customer service and wanted to do something for the couple. He decided to offer the octogenarians free "scrunch" one day a week, for life.
for life:慣用語,終身,餘生。
go with the flow:慣用語,順其自然;隨波逐流。相反用法為go against the flow。例句:He wasn’t very keen on the decision but it was easier just to go with the flow.(他對這項決定並不是很熱中,但跟隨大家的意見總是比較簡單。)
laughing things off:慣用語,一笑置之,輕鬆看待嚴重問題。例句:Although her feelings were hurt, she just laughed the incident off as if nothing had happened.(儘管受到傷害,但她對那件事一笑置之,彷彿沒發生過。)
聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=771712&day=2014-04-18