聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/8681862
come to / add up / round up / average out / take away
Here's a little test of your mental arithmetic(心算)
1. __________________ the following numbers; 18, 22, 33, 3, 15
(The answer is 91)
2. Now _________________ 34 from the previous answer.
(The answer is 57)
3. Now divide 91 by 50. It __________1.82.
4. Now ______ the answer _____ to the nearest whole number.
(The answer is 2)
5. Finally, last Monday I worked 7 hours, on Tuesday I worked 10 hours, on Wednesday I worked 9 hours, on Thursday I worked 10 and on Friday I went home early and only worked 4 hours. What does the number of hours per day I worked ___________________ at?
(The answer is 8 hours per day)
1. add up(加總)
2. take away(減掉)
3. comes to(一共是)
4. round…up(四捨五入)
5. average out(平均)
聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/8681862