聯合翻譯 引用自 China Post http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/topics/default.asp?id=4433&next=1&sub=24
Why the World Cup has proven to be an extremely controversial issue in Brazil
This week, the best athletes in the world's most popular sport will converge on Brazil for soccer's most important tournament. It will be an uplifting tribute to the "beautiful game" and will highlight Brazil's new status as a rising global power.
That, at least, is what the government and organizers are hoping will happen given that the cost of the World Cup is expected to top US$11 billion (approximately NT$331 billion). And although it's likely that things will go well, officials are keenly aware of three potential problems: protests, an overwhelmed transportation system and stadiums that were still under construction just weeks before the World Cup was due to start.
When Brazil was awarded the right to host the 2014 World Cup and then the 2016 Olympics, the victories were widely seen as recognition of the nation's recent achievements. Since the beginning of this century, 40 million people have risen out of poverty and entered the middle class, and the nation powered past Britain to become the world's sixth-largest economy. The World Cup and the Olympics, the government said, would show the world the new Brazil while also providing an opportunity to complete much-needed upgrades to Brazil's transportation infrastructure. But as the tournament approached, it became clear that things had not gone entirely according to plan.
At least nine people have died in the construction or renovation of the country's 12 stadiums, and experts claim widespread corruption has resulted in cost overruns. Critics say that Brazil overstretched by insisting on using 12 stadiums, instead of the usual eight to 10, and then built expensive arenas in remote cities that don't even have local soccer teams.
聯合翻譯 引用自 China Post http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/topics/default.asp?id=4433&next=1&sub=24