James星期天去參加同事的Party,星期一和他和外籍同事聊起來:I was happy yesterday evening on Mary's party.(昨天晚上瑪麗的聚會上很開心。)
一時以為自己沒聽清楚是什麼「字」,James還想問"What word?"同事繼續了:"I haven't had so much fun in a while."很久沒這麼開心了。
原來這個word並不是指什麼字,而是"You're so right.",「對極了」的意思。
當別人說了一個想法,你完全同意,就可以用單一個字"word"或是片語"word up",表示完全同意。用法很簡單又有新鮮感。例如:
A:The meeting was so well run that I did not hear of any glitches.(會議進行的很順利,完全沒有瑕疵。)
B:Word up!(完全同意。)
"Word up" 除了當完全同意之外,也有人用來打招呼,相當於"What's the word?"或"What's happening?"
和word相關的道地用法,大家較熟悉的有eat one's words(承認錯誤、收回前言)和break one's word(不守承諾),再來看幾個相關的表達。記得要和一個字「混熟」,多讀幾次後試著造句,想辦法讓這幾個片語融入你的口語中:
1.put in a good word for 幫人說情、美言
If my client puts in a good word for me, the boss may decide to give me another chance.(要是我客戶為我說情,老闆可能會決定再給我一次機會。)
2.Word for word 一字不差地
This is, word for word, the message he gave me.(這就是他叫我帶的口信,一個字也不差。)
3.….the word for it 不足以形容
Angry is not the word for it ,I was furious. (豈只是生氣,我是氣瘋了。)
4.From the word go 一開始
The project had problems with funding right from the word go.(這個計劃一開始就有資金的問題。)