資料來源: http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/KBlogArticle.aspx?ID=4885&path=c
雪莉已經在自動販賣機前站了好一陣子,看到查理走進茶水間,她一臉無奈的說:Unfortunately, the coffee machine is out of work. 查理聞言楞了一下,然後爆笑出聲,反問雪莉:Did he get his walking papers?
(X)The coffee machine is out of work.
(O)The coffee machine is out of order.
講解:out of work意指失業,out of order才是故障。所以上述例子中,查理才會開玩笑反問:販賣機收到它的「解雇通知單」(walking papers)了嗎?
例:The refrigerator is out of order. We need to ask someone to fix it. 冰箱壞了,我們得找人來修理。
(X)Please stop to sleep during the meeting.
(O)Please stop sleeping during the meeting.
講解:要求別人停止繼續某種行為,stop後面接的是「動詞+ing」形式;接「to sleep」反而是在要求對方停止正在做的事,改去睡覺。
例:My colleague asked me that I must stop sleeping at work. 我同事要求我停止在上班時睡覺。
(X)He always puts his feet down.
(O)He always puts his foot down.
講解:要put one's foot down是固定片語,指「立場堅定、嚴厲執行」,務必用單數foot(腳);可以用複數feet嗎?那就不是片語了,而是描述情境:他總是把雙腳放下來。
例:Jack is not a good supervisor. He never makes up his mind or puts his foot down. 傑克不是稱職的主管,從不拿定主意並堅持立場。
(X)You’re barking at the wrong tree.
(O)You’re barking up the wrong tree.
講解:bark up the wrong tree這句片語指「找錯方向、錯怪某人」,bark at則用在表示狗吠叫的對象,介系詞搞錯了,小心讓人以為你在汙辱他!
例:This is not my duty. You’re barking up the wrong tree. 這不是我的職責,你找錯人了。
資料來源: http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/KBlogArticle.aspx?ID=4885&path=c