你知道「色情電影」不是 “yellow movie” 嗎?形容一個人 “You are green.” 是說他「綠綠的」嗎?形容一個人 “You are yellow.” 是「他很色」嗎?
金色 gold
as good as gold 很乖、表現很好
如果一個人被形容為 as good as gold,那就意味著這個人很乖、表現很好。通常用來形容小孩。
Daddy bought me a new toy for being as good as gold today.(因為我今天表現很好,所以爸爸買了新玩具給我。)
a heart of gold 好心腸、很善良
Amy, who is always nice to everyone, has a heart of gold.(Amy 對人很好,她有善良的好心腸。)
worth its weight in gold 很有用的
Professor Yeh’s lessons are worth their weight in gold.(葉教授的課讓我受益良多。)
銀色 silver
born with a silver spoon in your mouth. 出生在有錢的家庭
I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth; I make my own money.(我不是含著金湯匙出生的小孩,我靠我自己的力量賺錢。)
silver-tongued 口才好的
Ashley is silver-tongued. That’s why she is the top salesperson in my company.(Ashley 的口才很好,所以她是我們公司最頂尖的銷售員。)
藍色 blue
blue movie 色情電影
There are some sex scenes in this movie, but it is not really a blue movie.(這部電影有性愛鏡頭,但不全然算是色情片。)
blue blood 貴族血統
形容人 blue blood 不要以為是藍血人,在英文是表示這個人血統純正。
The newly-wed princess is a blue-blooded member of the royalty.(新婚的王妃是血統純正的皇室成員。)
blue-ribbon 最高級的、最一流的
Emirates Airlines provides blue-ribbon services.(阿聯酋航空的服務品質無人能及。)
綠色 green
be green with envy 眼紅、嫉妒
When I heard about his new job, I was green with envy.(當我聽到他新工作的描述時,我感到嫉妒。)
give the green light to 准許
綠燈表示可以通行,故 give the green light to 表示准許某事進行或發生。
The girl gave me the green light to kiss her.(這個女生允許我親她。)
be green 沒經驗的、新手、菜鳥
形容人 green ,不是說他「綠綠的」,而是表示這個人很「菜」,沒什麼經驗。
Mark is green for this job. He still has a lot of things to learn.(Mark 在這份工作上沒什麼經驗,他還要很多事要學習。)
be green around the gills 臉色蒼白
gill (n.) 鰓,注意英文裡的「臉色蒼白」不用 “white”,要說 be green around the gills,或者可以用 pale (adj.) 蒼白的、淡的。
Mary was green around the gills because a car almost hit her.(Mary 臉色蒼白,因為一輛車剛剛幾乎快要撞到她。)
黃色 yellow
be yellow 膽小的、懦弱的
形容一個人 yellow,千萬不是說他很色情,在英文是說他很膽小,像個懦夫!
Paul is yellow. You can’t count on him(Paul 是個膽小鬼,你不能指望他。)
粉紅色 pink
in the pink 氣色很好、健康的
形容人臉色紅潤。要小心不要用成紅色,in the red 是完全不同的意思喔!
You’re in the pink!(你看起來氣色很好!)
pink slip 解雇通知
Nick got a pink slip this morning and is packing his stuff now.(Nick 早上接到解雇通知,現在正在收拾東西。)
紅色 red
in the red 虧損、有赤字
赤字表虧損,相反的 in the black 則表示有盈餘。
Due to poor management, the company is currently in the red.(由於管理不善,公司出現虧損。)
red flag 紅旗、警訊
A funnel cloud is a red flag for the formation of a tornado.(漏狀雲是龍捲風形成的警訊。)
黑色 black
black and blue 遍體鱗傷、青一塊紫一塊
Tony’s arm is black and blue after the fight.(打架後,Tony 的手臂青一塊紫一塊。)
black look 怒視、瞪
That blackguard gave the police officer who arrested him a black look.(那個惡棍兇狠地瞪著逮捕他的警官。)
black sheep 害群之馬
羊群都是白的,突然有隻黑色的羊就會很明顯。中文說「害群之馬」,英文用 “black sheep”,別用錯啦!
Stephanie is the black sheep of the family.(Stephanie 是家族裡的害群之馬。)
白色 white
white elephant 昂貴又沒有用的東西
The new shoes you bought is a white elephant.(你新買的鞋真是浪費錢又沒有用處。)
white flag 投降、認輸
After a week, Chris raised the white flag and begged his wife to come home.(一個星期之後,Chris 豎起白旗,求他老婆回家。)
white lie 善意的謊言、無傷大雅的謊言
Emily told a white lie at the party that she had a headache and must leave early.(派對上,Emily 說了個無傷大雅的謊言就是她頭痛要先走。)