How important is television in your life?
Here's what people in London said:
Telly takes about 40% of my day - watchingtelly, especially fashion and celebrities' lives. It's important for me becauseafter school and work and everything I can relax in front of the telly.Definitely unwinding, relaxing.
Generally speaking, how do you feel aboutTV?
Personally I don't watch that much TV, andwhen I do, I kind of, watch the news and stuff. I think TV has conjured up like a hyper-reality and when people watch it their mind-set of thingskind of changes. For instance fashion – women watch how women are on TV andstuff and then they automatically feel that oh, they want to be that kind ofperson, and things. I think that it has a negative effect - the negatives outweigh the positives.
Generally speaking, I think TV is a greatmedium for communication. You've got things like comedy, factual programmes,documentaries, art programmes and then things like soap operas. It covers a broad range of interests and expression.
Let’s dig in!
For most people, television is veryimportant to their life. Especially nowadays, many people are living in afast-pace life. Most of the time, people really need some time to escape fromtheir reality. Therefore, the programmes on TV should fulfill their fantasy andimagination by creating sci-fi movies or over rating soap operas. The talkshows on TV could also fulfill people’s curiosity of what’s going on. Thethings that are talked about in the show could also become things to talk aboutduring their social life and give some sort of connection with others.
Word bank
- Unwind 停止轉動
- Wind當作動詞就是轉動的意思,有點類似唱盤開始撥放時,不停旋轉的動作,當用來形容人的腦袋unwind,就是指腦筋放空,沒有在運作的意思
People tend to unwind their brain duringweekends to have some time off from their busy work schedule.
- Conjure up 形成; 造成
News has conjured up a sense of frustrationin the society.
- Hyper-reality 超現實現象是一種人類的心理作用,比如說,當女生在電視上看到super model都瘦的跟竹竿一樣,就會被洗腦,認為漂亮的女生就應該要那麼瘦才對。
- Outweigh 勝過; 兩者比較時,A的重要性大過於B
The opinion of the public usually outweighsany governor.
- Soap opera 連續劇; 肥皂劇