資料來源: https://www.facebook.com/BBC.tw
How do you feel about sharing music online?
Here's what people in London said:
It's great, I mean, this is part of a friendship; it's a good way to connect with other people.
It's nice, I mean, if you take the principle that going to a gig together is really cool then actually if you can go somewhere to recreate that experience without necessarily having to go out then, yeah, that would be great.
I don't know, maybe it's just my friend,'cos he's a bit of a hypocrite,he'll be like, "oh no I don't want to listen to your music, but listen to mine, listen to mine," and it's just not good. So we do bond over music that we like and argue over music we hate. So it's nice.
Now tell us:
How do you feel about sharing music online?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/ohfsan
Let’s dig in!
Most people like it when they could share music instantaneously with others. The online music sharing platform offers people a place to discuss freely about the music they love and with those who also into the same music as themselves. When you look back in the old time, it is very hard to find a place where people to enjoy their music while talking about it at the same time. Most importantly, you could do that anytime,anywhere as long as there is internet connection. Music is easy to get nowadays so the scope of audience also got expanded to a global level.
Word bank
- Gig 演出
The best part of going to a gig is to enjoy the music with others who also love the music as you.
- Hypocrite 偽君子
She is such a hypocrite because she always does the opposite of what she says.
- Bond over 在某件事情上有所共鳴
We are bonding over the movie we watched together last night.
- Argue over 在某件事情上有所爭論
Me and my brother always argue over which actress is hotter than the other.
資料來源: https://www.facebook.com/BBC.tw