NYC Marriage Equality Act generates $259 Million in Economic Impact
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The economic benefits of NYC Marriage Equality Act are often (A.)overshadowed by the accompanying political and religious (B.)uproars. While the debate over the political and religious values of same-sex marriage may never subside, the revenue and economic impact it has generated are indisputable. One year after the enactment of the Marriage Equality Act, same-sex marriage has generated $16 million revenue in license fees and boosted New York City’s economy by $259 million.
New York City Mayor Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced on the one year anniversary of Marriage Equality Act, “Marriage equality has made our city more open, (C.)inclusive and free—and it has also helped to create jobs and support our economy.” The new (1)cash cow brought significant economic boost to the city, majority in wedding related services. Same-sex couples tend to hold weddings and celebrations in local hotels and restaurants, which also raise the demand for photographers and caterers. While many same-sex couples hold more frugal weddings compared with the general population, they still spent an average of ten (2)grand on their weddings.