聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=F02A8A5EB130FD055640A108BF1054B3
Wang Wei-chung talks about facing big league batters following his first appearance (2014/04/16)
After becoming the 11th Taiwanese baseball player to play in the major leagues, pitcher Wang Wei-chung discussed the experience and his approach to big league batters.
Following a 12-game wait, on Monday against the St. Louis Cardinals Wang Wei-chung finally had the opportunity to make his major league debut. He shared his excitement with fans on Facebook, saying that April 14 is a day he will never forget. Wang noted it was the first time he saw snow, and the first time he received a major league paycheck. More importantly, he was given a chance to take the mound to prove to himself and others that he has what it takes to compete in the big leagues.
Wang Wei-chung
Brewers Pitcher
I probably learned not to (be afraid) to pitch. Rather than shy away from big league batters, I need to confront them more.
Wang listened to the advice of fellow Taiwanese pitcher Chen Wei-yin, who recommended learning to throw more balls to lure batters.
Wang Wei-chung
Brewers Pitcher
In spring training games, catchers usually calls the pitches. Recently, I have begun to throw more breaking balls or balls just out of the strike zone as a way of luring hitters.
Brewers fans are beginning to pay attention to this 21-year-old pitcher from Taiwan who also, as it turns out, sports a flashy glove embroidered with the Chinese character for “God.”
[[釀酒人投手 王維中]]
[[釀酒人投手 王維中]]
因為之前熱身賽都是按照捕手的配球,對呀 (最近)有開始多丟變化球,或是開始丟壞球,沒有差很多的那種,想要去引誘打者出棒。
聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=F02A8A5EB130FD055640A108BF1054B3