聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/21317224
(4) 我們舉杯慶祝他的成功。
We raise a toast to congratulate him on his great success.
=> We raise a toast to his great success.
(5) 這段文章生詞太多,我要理解真是太難了。
There are so many new words in this passage, so it is hard for me to understand.
=> With so many new words, this passage is beyond me.
(6) 他因為30票之差輸了競選。
He lost the election because of 30 votes.
=> He lost the election by 30 votes.
聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/21317224