"I agree."、"I disagree."以及"I don't know."。有時明明想說的是「這件事其實有好有壞。」或「我持中立態度。」卻找不到字,只好一概回答"I don't know.",無法真正表達自己的意見。
前陣子甫結束的選舉,許多人會表態自己要挺A或是挺B,如果你還在觀望中,可以說"I'm on the fence." 或是"I sit on the fence",fence是籬笆,想像你坐在籬笆上,無法拿定主意要往左還是往右的樣子。當然生活中有很多對話可以用上這句,例如:
A: Do you agree with same sex marriage?(你支持同性婚姻嗎?)
B: I'm on the fence.(我保持中立態度。)
A: Between George and David, which one do you think is more qualified for the position?(你覺得George和David誰比較有資格坐上這個職位?)
B: I prefer to sit on the fence. I don't want to offend either of them.(我保持中立,我誰都不想冒犯。)
如果你想表達,這件事有好有壞、利害參半,除了比較拗口的"There are both advantages and disadvantages.",你可以試著用"double-edged sword"這個字,和中文「雙面刃」有一樣的涵義,對於許多爭議性的議題(controversial issues),若你能剖析事情的兩面(see both sides of an argument),絕對能讓你加分不少。
The tourism industry is a double-edged sword.It creates jobs for local people, but it can also put pressure on local resources.
Working in a small company is a double-edged sword.You could have more opportunities for promotion. However, you may have less job security.