[6 Minute English] Technology at the Winter Olympics 冬季奧運的最新科技


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Do you know which is the second most spoken language in England? 大家猜猜看,在英國最多人說的第二語言是甚麼呢?


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[6 Minute English] When does adulthood start? 你認為正式轉變成為成年人的時間是甚麼時候呢?


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[6 Minute English] Socialising Have you ever been embarrassed in a social event? 你在出席社交場合的時候,有沒有遇過讓你覺得很尷尬的情況呢?


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[Express English] What are you passionate about? 你熱衷的東西或事情是甚麼呢?


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[6 Minute English] Showrooming and shopping


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[Express English] What would be your ideal marriage proposal? 你夢想中最棒的求婚是甚麼樣子呢?


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[Express English] What's the best and worst thing about shopping where you live? 在你居住的城市購物,有甚麼地方讓你覺得很棒,又有哪些地方讓你覺得很討厭的呢?

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[Express English] Who would you give an award to and why? 如果你可以頒一個獎給某個人,你會給誰呢? 為什麼?


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[Express English] What is your most treasured photograph and why? 你最珍藏的照片是哪一張? 為什麼呢?


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