聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6390440
Wrestling with Conflict Minerals
文/Rex Lo(世界公民文化中心)
(A)衝突礦產 (B)反抗軍 (C)阻礙
An iPhone can do a lot of things. But can it arm Congolese (B)rebels? That is the question being debated by a battalion of lobbyists from electronics makers, mining companies and international aid organizations that has descended on the Securities and Exchange Commission in recent months seeking to influence the drafting of a Dodd-Frank regulation that has nothing to do with the financial crisis.
一支iPhone 可以做到很多事,但是也能用來武裝剛果反抗軍?近幾個月這個問題已被許多遊說團體拿來辯論,包含電子廠商、礦業公司以及國際救援組織都找上美國證券交易委員會,並企圖影響金融改革法案的其中一條法規,雖然這條規定跟金融危機一點關係也沒有。
Tacked onto the end of that encyclopedic digest of financial reform is an odd provision. It requires publicly traded companies whose products use certain minerals commonly mined in strife-torn areas of Central Africa to report to shareholders and the S.E.C.
The measure is aimed at cutting off the brutal militia groups that have often taken over the mining and sale of so-called (A)conflict minerals to finance their military aims. Just about every company affected by the law says they support it, but many business groups have also been pushing aggressively to put wiggle room in the restrictions, calling for lengthy phase-in periods, exemptions for minimal use of the minerals and loose definitions of what types of uses are covered.
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6390440