聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=8CF9B9853C85991FBE2E3CB9941387BB
Security measures were beefed up around the Executive Yuan after last evening’s siege. Before the siege, only around 40 officers were guarding the offices. Commentators say blame for such oversight lies with the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau.
Workers were busying installing new barricades around the Executive Yuan.
Last evening, only 40 security personnel were on hand as up to 1,000 students scaled barricades and seized the nation’s chief decision-making body.
Hu Hsiao-cheng
Media Commentator
We can’t blame the 40 security staff inside the Executive Yuan as there was no way they could quickly transform into 300 Spartan soldiers.
Soon after the attack, the National Police Agency and the Taipei City Police Department deployed 1,000 officers to the scene. Between 50 and 60 students had already broken into the building. Some media analysts speculate that such a matter of national security should not have been overlooked.
Wang Rui-de
Media Commentator
Obviously, this area of national security should have been managed by the National Police Agency and national security agencies. These security units overlooked their duty. No matter who the enemy is, we shouldn’t overlook such matters.
The unprecedented occupation of the Executive Yuan was a serious loss of face for the government.
323 晚間,兩路學生踏過拒馬,行政院如同門戶洞開。因為連日來的反服貿抗爭,員警停休疲憊不堪,借調警力在這兩天,陸續恢復勤休,行政院也只留守40人。學生們像是算好了一樣,成功突襲。
[[資深媒體人 胡孝誠]]
[[資深媒體人 王瑞德]]
聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=8CF9B9853C85991FBE2E3CB9941387BB