詞性換一下 更傳神


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「我一個月領一次薪水。」這句話的英文你會怎麼說?如果你用 I get my salary once a month. 也不是不對,但老外多半不是這麼說。

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直譯「差很大」 西片「藝」名吸引影迷

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提升英文說寫 慢慢來最快


很多上班族經常感歎自己的英文閱讀能力不錯,但是「口語」太差。如果你也深有同感,不妨試一試「pause and think Method」,光調整閱讀,就能太幅提昇你的英文口語和寫作能力。每周選一篇比較口語化的文章,唸出聲來,依循以下的方法讀:

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Some kind of 某種

Some kind of (a/an) 意為「某種」,如 I hope that we can get some kind of a result this time. (我希望我們這次能獲得某種結果)。雖然有些人認為 some kind of a/an 中的 a/an 是不必要的,但不管有沒有不定冠詞,這片語的意思並不難理解。

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Something selling like hotcakes 熱銷商品、搶手貨

搶購熱門商品現在無論在國外或國內都是一種沛然莫之能禦的社會現象。無論是搶購 iPhone 還是搶購紀念幣,大排長龍的景象一再上演,愈演愈烈,中外皆然。有些人甚至在一天或兩天前就開始排隊,令人嘆為觀止。這種在販售熱門商品或紀念品的商店、公司或機構外面打地鋪「紮營」、通宵達旦排隊的行徑,英文叫做 camp out,如 I get confused about those who stood in line and camped out for iPhone 4S’s. (我對那些為購買 iPhone 4S 手機而打地鋪「紮營」、通宵排隊的人感到困惑不解)。

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What women don't want for Valentine's Day

Some people roll their eyes at the idea of Valentine’s Day. They argue that it’s a “Hallmark Holiday,” and that love should really be celebrated every day of the year. If your wife or girlfriend falls into this category, consider yourself lucky to be off the hook on February 14th. But if your sweetheart looks forward to Valentine’s Day, you may want to start planning.

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Deadly European cold spell not letting up

The deep freeze blamed for hundreds of deaths in Europe so far showed no signs of loosening its grip Wednesday, officials said.

The cold has killed more than 300 people, mostly in Eastern Europe, various media have reported. In Ukraine, at least 135 deaths in the past two weeks are blamed on the weather, and Emergency Situations Minister Viktor Balaga said 112 have involved alcohol abuse.

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I'm going for SpongeBob: toddler Noah squeezes inside vending machine

A TODDLER who refused to let anything stand between him and a new toy was trapped inside a vending machine for 10 minutes.

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