吳家任學測滿級分 翻譯也滿分


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風水輪流轉 every dog has its/his day


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各有所好 one man’s meat is another man’s poison 


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了不起的人物 be the cat’s whiskers


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老年吃嫩草 rob the cradle

rob the cradle

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提出「M型社會」一詞、被譽為全球五位管理大師之一的大前研一(Ohmae Kenichi),不同於我們對一般日本人的認識,他的英文聽不到濃濃的日本腔;相反的,他在全球各地的巡迴演講都以英文發聲。

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說一句英文 讓人記住你



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Does having a sweet tooth make a person more agreeable and friendly? New research suggests there could be a link between taste preferences and disposition. Scientists in the United States found that a liking for sweeter foods is an indication that a person is more agreeable and helpful, but not extroverted or neurotic.

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形容一個人「沒見過世面、很害羞」,我們常用「閉俗」這兩個字,可以說:「He’s extremely shy.」shy是「害羞」之意。也可以說:「He’s got no social skills.」(他沒有社交技巧)。一個人不只害羞,也不喜歡與人互動,便可以這麼形容:「She’s withdrawn.」withdrawn是「退縮的、孤僻的」。

A:I thought you were bringing your younger sister with you today.

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