說一句英文 讓人記住你
來看一個例子:「No business too small, no problem too big.」這是IBM的slogan。IBM用簡單兩組對比字「business/problem」以及「small/big」秀出它的服務態度。
巧妙地應用「comparison(比較)」以及「contrast(對比)」,可以讓語言更具感染力。所謂的「比較」,就是指出共同性;而「對比」,則是點出差異性。要掌握英文中的comparison and contrast,可以從下面常用的句型與副詞著手:
Comparison 比較
- Both Jack and Mavis have good communication skills.(兩者都是,用both)
- Jack and Mavis are similar in that they have good communication skills.(類似,similar這個字很好用)
- Jack, like Mavis, has good communication skills.(插入like這個字)
- Jack’s communication skills are as good as Mavis’.(as…as,這個用法我們經常忘記)
- Jack has good communication skills. Likewise, Mavis has good communication skills too.(likewise,大多數人都懂,就不會這麼用)
Contrast 對比
- This camera is cheaper than that blue one. But, the blue one is more advanced.(比較級派上用場了)
- MP3 has small files, while (whereas) MP4 is more efficient in decoding. (常用連接詞while/whereas連接兩個子句)
- MP3 has small files. However, MP4 provides higher efficiency in decoding.(however, nevertheless這類字在對比時經常派得上用場)
- An MP3 is a digital audio file, and contains sound only. An MP4 on the other hand is a digital video file and contains video as well as audio.(on the other hand也是對比的時必備詞彙)
英語中「比較」以及「對比」,你知道多少,會用多少,某種程度上決定了你英語的感染力。 如果你對上方句子陌生,請重複地刺激你的記憶體,記住直到自然而說出來為止。