提出「M型社會」一詞、被譽為全球五位管理大師之一的大前研一(Ohmae Kenichi),不同於我們對一般日本人的認識,他的英文聽不到濃濃的日本腔;相反的,他在全球各地的巡迴演講都以英文發聲。
In the wake of 三通, I think Taiwan could seek to become a super Silicon Valley because you have been very successful in establishing research parks, but not only for Taiwan, but Super Silicon Valley for entire East Asia.
Anybody who’s gone to business school has seen this smile curve. Taiwan EMS concentrated on this lowest profitable area and still able to make money. See, and then driving the Japanese, Europeans, Americans from the bottom of the smile curve. So we in Japan had to go upstream, this is the materials, machinery, etc. I think Taiwan’s strength is, number one knowing Japanese psychology, speak the language, buying the best machines—components. And also Taiwan managers establish long term relationship, human relationship, with Japanese companies. They also manage larger operations in mainland China in mother tongue with full of Taiwan experience in manufacturing and management, sell products worldwide in the English language, and maintain high level contact with global brand owners. In other words communication capability in English, Chinese, Japanese seem to be what is behind Taiwan’s enormous success to date.
All of the companies that have IPO in IT industries in the United States—number one is Israeli, number two is India and number three is Taiwan. And so you have tremendous number of talents given the size of your country, it is overrepresented in that region. Take advantage of that, become Super Silicon Valley, count this for your innovation and R&D, trading engineers and manufacturers from China which, 三通can enable, will enable, manufacturing support for Asian countries not only for China but for the rest of the world. All countries are looking for industrial parks, or science parks, to attract companies and capital. You have a very successful example of industrial parks and R&D centers. You can export this concept. Taiwan’s great success in East Asia, this is tremendous. And also contribution to China’s success. Taiwanese people should be celebrating this, but China should be very much appreciative of this.
China's own emergence of the super power of the 21st century: Taiwan is lucky because you are the best beneficiary. You take advantage of this upward migration of China—no other country can do better than Taiwan can.
4、簡單句型。口語英文以直接、簡單、容易理解為原則。從中你大概不容易找到你不懂的英文;但是,你一定找得到你不會用的英文句型。例如,given這個字,You have tremendous number of talents given the size of your country. (衡量到你們國家的規模,你們的人才是很豐富的)。“given...”中文的意思是,「考量到...」或是「在這種情況下」。但是given的普遍的用法應該是given the fact...,譬如,I gave her a promotion given the fact she's a good employee. (我升她的官,代表她是一個很棒的員工。)
In the wake of 三通, I think Taiwan could seek to become a super Silicon Valley because you have been very successful in establishing research parks, but not only for Taiwan, but Super Silicon Valley for entire East Asia.
Anybody who’s gone to business school has seen this smile curve. Taiwan EMS concentrated on this lowest profitable area and still able to make money. See, and then driving the Japanese, Europeans, Americans from the bottom of the smile curve. So we in Japan had to go upstream, this is the materials, machinery, etc. I think Taiwan’s strength is, number one knowing Japanese psychology, speak the language, buying the best machines—components. And also Taiwan managers establish long term relationship, human relationship, with Japanese companies. They also manage larger operations in mainland China in mother tongue with full of Taiwan experience in manufacturing and management, sell products worldwide in the English language, and maintain high level contact with global brand owners. In other words communication capability in English, Chinese, Japanese seem to be what is behind Taiwan’s enormous success to date.
All of the companies that have IPO in IT industries in the United States—number one is Israeli, number two is India and number three is Taiwan. And so you have tremendous number of talents given the size of your country, it is overrepresented in that region. Take advantage of that, become Super Silicon Valley, count this for your innovation and R&D, trading engineers and manufacturers from China which, 三通can enable, will enable, manufacturing support for Asian countries not only for China but for the rest of the world. All countries are looking for industrial parks, or science parks, to attract companies and capital. You have a very successful example of industrial parks and R&D centers. You can export this concept. Taiwan’s great success in East Asia, this is tremendous. And also contribution to China’s success. Taiwanese people should be celebrating this, but China should be very much appreciative of this.
China's own emergence of the super power of the 21st century: Taiwan is lucky because you are the best beneficiary. You take advantage of this upward migration of China—no other country can do better than Taiwan can.
4、簡單句型。口語英文以直接、簡單、容易理解為原則。從中你大概不容易找到你不懂的英文;但是,你一定找得到你不會用的英文句型。例如,given這個字,You have tremendous number of talents given the size of your country. (衡量到你們國家的規模,你們的人才是很豐富的)。“given...”中文的意思是,「考量到...」或是「在這種情況下」。但是given的普遍的用法應該是given the fact...,譬如,I gave her a promotion given the fact she's a good employee. (我升她的官,代表她是一個很棒的員工。)