Taiwanese people enjoy eating out more than other Asians: survey

Taipei, Oct. 17 (CNA) Eating delicious food is the most preferred leisure activity of Taiwanese people, according to a survey on consumer preferences in the Asia Pacific region by MasterCard that was unveiled Monday.

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Taiwanese, Japanese firms to make 'Sun Yat-sen' 3D animation

Central News Agency

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Nearly 4,000 venues can provide English services: RDEC

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Taiwanese comics win recognition at international festival

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日本主要入境口岸 將配置中、韓語翻譯


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Jobs had outsize influence on the young

SAN FRANCISCO - The Apple store here has become what almost every Apple store has morphed into since word spread Wednesday of Steve Jobs' death. A shrine. But not to the businessman Jobs was, but to the pop culture guru he embodied.

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英國太陽報列出一些翻譯錯誤的食品名字,指在亞洲地區有商店驚現一款「絞碎的嬰兒肉」(Child Shredded meat),但細看中文名字,才知這是「兒童營養肉鬆」;另有一家川菜餐館,竟不知為何把「重慶口水雞」譯成「辛辣兒童冷盤」(Spicy cold children)。 

沙烏地阿拉伯也有烏龍餐廳,菜單上將「herbs」(藥材)翻譯成herpes(皰疹),恐怕客人都會退避三舍。一份日語菜單,把酒和牛奶混成的「成年人牛奶飲品」譯成「Milk of Adult」(成人的奶水),不禁令人想入非非。

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Google Buys Land to Build Three Data Centers in Asia

By John Ribeiro, IDG News

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政大賽德克語課 學生增3倍

2011-09-28 中國時報  葉芷妘/台北報導

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出國旅行別怕 App即時翻譯

REUTERS 2011/09/26

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