1、I am picked on all the time. = People pick on me all the time. (人們老愛找我麻煩。)
2、I try to be thoughtful, but he calls it manipulative. (我想表達關心,但被他解讀成發號施令。)
3、He is wrong, dead wrong ! (他是大錯特錯!)
4、He almost chewed me out ; I cannot seem to please him. (他把我罵了一頓;我就是無法讓他高興。)
5、His response to me was rude and insensitive. (他對我的回應粗魯,一點都沒人情味。)
6、He was so wishy-washy that drove me nuts. (他優柔寡斷,真令我難受。)
7、I cannot bear to work with him. (跟他在一起工作真受不了。)
8、His response is fine, but his tone was belittling. (他說的沒錯,不過口氣瞧不起人。)
9、Sometimes he is completely overbearing. (有時他過分傲慢專橫,盛氣凌人。)
10、He missed the bull's eye. (他搞不清楚重點。)(bull's eye 意思是 main point ,這下之意,牛眼這麼大都看不見。)
11、He lays a guilt trip on me. (他使我有罪惡感。)
12、He is immature, whiny and egotistical. (他幼稚、嘮叨而自大。)
13、His comment seems like a slap in the face. (他的說法,像是一種汙辱。)( a slap in the face 本來意思是打耳光 )
14、He is unsupportive, overly critical, controlling and negative. (他不合作,過分走極端,愛管人和消極。)
15、He is a square peg who does not quite fit into a round hole. (他格格不入,不適合這份工作。)
1、I am picked on all the time. = People pick on me all the time. (人們老愛找我麻煩。)
2、I try to be thoughtful, but he calls it manipulative. (我想表達關心,但被他解讀成發號施令。)
3、He is wrong, dead wrong ! (他是大錯特錯!)
4、He almost chewed me out ; I cannot seem to please him. (他把我罵了一頓;我就是無法讓他高興。)
5、His response to me was rude and insensitive. (他對我的回應粗魯,一點都沒人情味。)
6、He was so wishy-washy that drove me nuts. (他優柔寡斷,真令我難受。)
7、I cannot bear to work with him. (跟他在一起工作真受不了。)
8、His response is fine, but his tone was belittling. (他說的沒錯,不過口氣瞧不起人。)
9、Sometimes he is completely overbearing. (有時他過分傲慢專橫,盛氣凌人。)
10、He missed the bull's eye. (他搞不清楚重點。)(bull's eye 意思是 main point ,這下之意,牛眼這麼大都看不見。)
11、He lays a guilt trip on me. (他使我有罪惡感。)
12、He is immature, whiny and egotistical. (他幼稚、嘮叨而自大。)
13、His comment seems like a slap in the face. (他的說法,像是一種汙辱。)( a slap in the face 本來意思是打耳光 )
14、He is unsupportive, overly critical, controlling and negative. (他不合作,過分走極端,愛管人和消極。)
15、He is a square peg who does not quite fit into a round hole. (他格格不入,不適合這份工作。)