履歷是個人櫥窗(shop window),人力資源主管看履歷就像逛櫥窗,能不能瞬間抓住他的注意力,你只有十五秒,關鍵的十五秒。抓住人的目光,有一種字叫「行動字(action words)」,它讓你的履歷通篇讀來鏗鏘有力,意猶未盡,非邀你來面試不可!
1. The sales show an increase of 100%.
2. Came up with the idea of an extensive outdoor initiatives program.
3. A package insert program for a new hair product was developed by me.
4. Twenty-two person office staff was under my supervision.
5. Be responsible for taking care of produce inventory, cash control, public relations and in-house advertising for special sales and events.
6. Twenty five thousand dollars was saved by me.
7. Helped exceed team goals for two consecutive quarters.
8. Arranged site visits and installations.
9. Paid attention to treasury and trade-related operations for evidence of ethical misconduct.
10. Accepted customer complaints.
1. I increased sales by 100%.
2. I designed and implemented an extensive outdoor initiatives program.
3. I developed a package insert program for a new hair product.
4. I supervised, managed and trained 22-person office staff.
5. I maintained produce inventory, cash control, public relations, and in-house advertising for special sales and events.
6. I saved the firm $25,000.
7. I exceeded team goals for two consecutive quarters.
8. I scheduled site visits and installations.
9. I reviewed treasury and trade-related operations for evidence of ethical misconduct.
10. I handled and resolved customer complaints through effective communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills.
第二組的句子讀起來有力量多了。你有沒發現兩者之間的差異只在「動詞」。 因為它動詞用的是「行動字」,「行動字」讓人看到影像、動作,感受到力量。譬如:increase (增加)、design(設計)、implement(付諸實行)、supervise(監督)、schedule(安排)、exceed(超越)等。相較於表一的動詞,屬於「狀態字(state words)」,如be、help(幫助)、show(顯示)、accept(接受)等。使用「狀態字」,也不是錯,只是太溫和的印象、缺乏動能。