聯合翻譯 引用自 英語之家 http://englishhome.org/cutesy.html
英文:cutesy (adj.)
說明:cutesy 的比較級為 cutesier,最高級為 cutesiest。
- Cindy’s dress and hair is so cutesy. (辛蒂的穿著和頭髮都很會裝可愛)
- Earl sent me one of those awful greeting cards with a cutesy puppy on it. (厄爾把那些可怕的賀卡寄了一張給我,卡片上有一隻裝萌的小狗)
- Mr. Chen and his wife called each other by cutesy pet names that disgusted everyone else. (陳先生和他太太互以肉麻的寵物名字稱呼對方,讓人感到噁心)
- That birthday card is too cutesy. (那張生日賀卡太肉麻了)
聯合翻譯 引用自 英語之家 http://englishhome.org/cutesy.html