
聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀


本篇文章帶讀者用英文思維來面對打混偷懶的同事,並參考Stever Robbins,這位訓練美國高階主管的教練所傳授的秘訣。
It’s not uncommon to come across a lazy co-worker, and they are not always easy to deal with! Carping and tattling won’t get you anywhere, but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue.
Here are 11 tips for dealing with the lazy co-worker from Steven Robbins, a top executive coach who graduated from MIT and Harvard Business School.
面對偷懶的同事,擁有麻省理工和哈佛商學院學歷的美國頂尖高階主管教練 Stever Robbins建議以下十一項處理的方式:
  1. Don’t let them distract you. 別因為他們而讓自己分心。
  2. 別執著於公平不公平的問題。Don’t get caught up in the issue of fairness.
  3. Don’t let it affect your attitude. 別因為他們而影響自己的態度。
  4. Don’t tattle. 不要大嘴巴。
  5. Don’t let their ways rub off on you. 別跟著偷懶起來。
  6. Don’t let their work become your responsibility. 別把他們的工作變成你的責任。
  7. Don’t let them affect your success. 勿讓他們影響你成功。
  8. Use the opportunity to become the leader. 利用此機會好好認真,晉申領導階層。
  9. Don’t gossip or complain to other colleagues. 別跟其他同事八卦或抱怨。
  10. Communicate with your co-worker. 和那位同事溝通。
  11. Don’t say yes to projects that require your co-worker to work at full capacity.不答應接手需要(偷懶的)同事百分百能力的專案。


聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀

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