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美語班徵外籍師 拒華人 「就是要外籍臉孔」 挨轟歧視

By: admin on: 十二月 14,2011 In: 新聞報導

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Bride breaks world record on big day by wearing 1.8-mile veil/世界最長的結婚面紗 

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of an Italian town to watch a bride walk down the aisle – followed by a full 1.8 miles of veil.

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Living life on the edge, this young couple are perilously perched above a 240m (800ft) drop.

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World’s oldest bridegroom : Indian man, 120, ties the knot with bride half his age/世界最老新郎:印度120歲老翁娶60歲婦女為妻

At the grand old age of 120, Hazi Abdul Noor has married for a second time and become the world’s oldest bridegroom.

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As Cephalus to Procris


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Market spikes eurozone guns

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Boeing lands record jet order

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Saudi Arabia halts oil expansion in spite of tight crude markets

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Joint ‘eurobonds’ proposed to calm markets   

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New governments fail to bring bond respite for Spain or Italy

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Eurozone leaders in push for fiscal crackdown amid debt fight


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Shunned Bund sale fuels debt crisis fears


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Nomura dumps eurozone debt


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Businesses plan for possible end of euro


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Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune


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Talks to boost EU’s financial ‘bazooka’


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Eurozone bonds hit by mass sell-off


Eurozone bond markets suffered a mass sell-off on Tuesday as investor fears spread beyond Italy and Spain to triple A rated France, Austria, Finland and the Netherlands.

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