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Taiwanese, Japanese firms to make 'Sun Yat-sen' 3D animation

Central News Agency

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Nearly 4,000 venues can provide English services: RDEC

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Taiwanese comics win recognition at international festival

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日本主要入境口岸 將配置中、韓語翻譯


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Jobs had outsize influence on the young

SAN FRANCISCO - The Apple store here has become what almost every Apple store has morphed into since word spread Wednesday of Steve Jobs' death. A shrine. But not to the businessman Jobs was, but to the pop culture guru he embodied.

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英國太陽報列出一些翻譯錯誤的食品名字,指在亞洲地區有商店驚現一款「絞碎的嬰兒肉」(Child Shredded meat),但細看中文名字,才知這是「兒童營養肉鬆」;另有一家川菜餐館,竟不知為何把「重慶口水雞」譯成「辛辣兒童冷盤」(Spicy cold children)。 

沙烏地阿拉伯也有烏龍餐廳,菜單上將「herbs」(藥材)翻譯成herpes(皰疹),恐怕客人都會退避三舍。一份日語菜單,把酒和牛奶混成的「成年人牛奶飲品」譯成「Milk of Adult」(成人的奶水),不禁令人想入非非。

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Google Buys Land to Build Three Data Centers in Asia

By John Ribeiro, IDG News

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出國旅行別怕 App即時翻譯

REUTERS 2011/09/26

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馬莉亞姓「馬」? 新住民將自主擇姓

TVBS 2011/09/26

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Mobile Carts with Books

To help students in rural areas to read, National Pingtung University of Education and Cloud and Water Mobile Cart have cooperated on a plan, allowing children to borrow books home.

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Google+ Officially Opens for Public Registration

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Fashion takes the Mickey

By Helen Soteriou

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AIT says there is no timetable for US visa-waiver status

By Shih Hsiu-chuan  /  Staff Reporter

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要往宜蘭冬山鄉熱門景點,牛寮坑瀑布的方向沿途就能看到路標,不過這塊路標 中文沒問題,怪的是英文翻譯pubu 好像有點怪,pubu外國人眉頭一皺,什麼這竟然是瀑布的英文翻譯。 但讓人更傻眼的是pubu和另一個單字poo-poo幾乎同音,而且許多人有所不知 poo-poo在英文裡,可是上大號的意思,如果把兩個單字,合起來翻譯,這牌子不就成了「牛寮坑上大號」嗎?

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"Seediq Bale" addresses harmony

RAINBOW CULTURE:The film’s director says the public should not focus on the political questions about its festival labeling, but on the greatness of the power of art

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2011, the year of global indignation  By Gideon Rachman

Is there such a thing as a global mood? It certainly feels like it. I cannot remember a time when so many countries, all over the world, were gripped by some form of street protest or popular revolt. 2011 is turning into the year of global indignation.

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On the campaign trail

By Davina Catt

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Cook tasked with replacing Apple icon

By Joseph Menn,Richard Waters in San Francisco

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Taiwanese hospital mistakenly transplants HIV-infected organs into 5 patients

TAIPEI, Taiwan - One of Taiwan's best regarded hospitals transplanted organs from an HIV carrier into five patients, a hospital official said Monday, in what appears to be one of the most egregious examples of medical negligence in the island's modern history.

The five are now being treated with anti-AIDS drugs, said the official at National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei.

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