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南開科大應用外語系五專部三年甲班共26位同學,承接世界展望會國際兒童的信件翻譯服務志工工作,以英文專業送愛心到非洲衣索比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴市(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)、及印度賈坎德邦的首都蘭契(Ranchi, Jharkhand, India)。應外系的同學對於這份志工工作感到意義重大、體會到自己的幸福、也更珍惜自己豐富的學習資源。

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190首禪詩翻英文出版 教授奪翻譯獎

舊金山州大中文教授易徹理(Charles Egan)將190首禪門偈頌自中文譯成英文出書,書名「雲深不知處」(Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown)。最近獲得美國文學翻譯家學會頒發2011年史屈克(Lucien Stryk)翻譯獎,獎金5000元。

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Taiwan films reach out to Asia and beyond


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Taiwan's first snow of the year falls on Yushan


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小三生翻譯「紅色眼淚」 義賣做公益


九歲的郭兆佳堪稱是國內年紀最小的童書翻譯者,去年因陪同周大觀基金會癌症病童前往加拿大圓夢,有機會拜訪長期投入第三世界貧童援助的「國際解放兒童組織」,獲贈英文童書「It takes a child」,描寫解放兒童組織領導人柯柏格因十二歲童工被謀殺受到啟發,最終成立組織對抗資本家的故事。

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路牌翻譯不同 外國人霧煞煞!



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朗誦楊牧詩選 雙語大PK


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NTT DoCoMo即時通訊翻譯 實現翻譯米糕可能性


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牛肉麵=New Row Mian? 市府直譯惹議

台北市政府舉辦牛肉麵節,現在要推往國際,不過卻有眼尖民眾發現,活動海報,把中文牛肉麵直接音譯成英文的「New Row Mian 」,不少國外旅客看了都坦言,完全不懂什麼意思,質疑市府是不是英文翻譯又出包,不過市府澄清,說是為了宣傳牛肉麵的中文念法,讓它像壽司、披薩一樣,讓全世界都著著原文念。

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Taiwan working to promote sports tourism

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Taipei airport’s new observation deck opens

Those interested in watching aircraft take off can now do so free of charge from the observation deck at Taipei International Airport (Songshan airport), which will be opened to the public today.

The observation deck was part of the Civil Aeronautics Administration’s plan to renovate the airport after international flights resumed at the facility three years ago.

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Honda’s smarter robot may help in the nuclear crisis

Honda Motor Co’s human-shaped robot can now run faster, balance itself on uneven surfaces, hop on one foot and pour a drink. Some of its technology might even be used to help out with clean-up operations at the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.

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Lonely Planet chooses Taiwan among top 10 countries to visit in 2012

Los Angeles, Oct. 31 (CNA) Internationally renowned travel guide publisher Lonely Planet has selected Taiwan as one of the top 10 countries for travelers to visit in 2012 in an online article posted on its website Oct. 27. Taiwan ranked number nine for its thousands of kilometers of interlinked cycling routes and cyclist-friendly infrastructure developed in recent years.

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保障移民 姊妹會創司法快譯通



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10 Extreme Saving Strategies for Halloween

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2011 Taiwan Green Smart City Expo presents the Tainan Pavilion in the Smart City Exhibit Area

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Chinese-language version of Jobs biography hits bookstores

The translated version of the only authorized biography of Apple Inc.'s late co-founder Steve Jobs was released in Taiwan yesterday morning at 7 a.m., simultaneous with its English counterparts from the U.S. and the UK on the quest of revealing the volatile perfectionist's genuine character, while online presales of the book soared.

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中英翻譯檢定 101年暫停


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Taiwanese people enjoy eating out more than other Asians: survey

Taipei, Oct. 17 (CNA) Eating delicious food is the most preferred leisure activity of Taiwanese people, according to a survey on consumer preferences in the Asia Pacific region by MasterCard that was unveiled Monday.

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