Clasp 意為「(用手) 握緊;(用手臂) 抱緊;握 (手)」,如 Donna clasped John’s hand tightly. (唐娜緊緊握住約翰的手);The mother clasped her child in her arms. (那媽媽把她的孩子緊緊抱在懷裡);Mr. Huang and Mr. Chen clasped hands warmly. (黃先生和陳先生熱烈地握手)。必須注意的是,clasp hands 意為「緊緊地握手 (以示感情深厚)」,但 clasp one’s hands 是指兩手手指互相交叉握著,即「十指緊握」,如 Henry clasped his hands behind his head. (亨利十指緊握放在頭後面)。
Grasp 意為「抓牢;抓緊」,著重於用雙手抓住並握緊,強調用力握住,如 Her father saved himself by grasping a rope. (她父親雙手抓住一根繩子才救了自己一命);The little boy grasped his father’s arm. (小男孩抓住他父親的手臂)。此外,grasp 亦經常作比喻用,意為「理解,明白;抓住 (機會)」,如 He doesn’t seem to grasp my meaning. (他似乎不懂我的意思);There were a couple of students who could not grasp the main points of the speech. (有幾個學生不能領會演說的重點);You must grasp every opportunity if you want to succeed. (如果想成功,你必須抓住每個機會)。
Grip 意為「緊握,握緊,抓緊」,著重於用手指抓牢 (如棒球投手抓球的動作),如 He gripped the steering wheel. (他雙手緊緊抓著方向盤);John gripped my hand to show his warmth. (約翰緊握我的手表示熱誠)。此外,與 grasp 一樣,grip 亦常用作比喻,意為「強烈地影響 (某人);吸引 (某人),使 (某人) 感興趣」,如 The whole country was still gripped by recession. (整個國家仍受到經濟不景氣的影響);The scandal has gripped the public because of the politicians, models, and singers involved. (這一醜聞因牽涉政治人物、模特兒和歌手而吸引民眾的注意)。再者,grip 還有一個與抓牢相近的意思值得一提,那就是球鞋、輪胎等的「抓地,防滑」,如 These quality tires grip the road well. (這些高級輪胎有很好的抓地力)。