Blimey!當你很驚訝時常用的表達方式。例如,"Blimey!The weather's terrible today!"
Keep your hair on.真正的意思不是指你的頭髮很凌亂,而是要你冷靜下來。例如,"Keep your hair on. It's an easy problem to fix."
Pear-shaped.這是用來說明一種錯誤的情況。例如,"I started my new job the other day and I was so nervous, it all went pear-shaped."
Have it large.當你計畫一個愉快的出遊時,你可以這樣說。例如,"It's Saturday! We're gonna have it large tonight!"你也可以這樣說,larging it。
Bob's your uncle.如果有人對你這樣說,他的意思不是指說你有一位很長年失散的叔叔名字叫Bob,他住在倫敦。倫敦人常用這來說明事情已經結束或者是OK。例如,"You just plug it in, turn on the power, and Bob's your uncle!"
Dog's dinner.當人們說一些像是小狗的晚餐之類的話,他們的意思是說明凌亂。例如,"Your hair looks like a dog's dinner,"意思是說你的頭髮有些凌亂,並不是說你的狗想要把你的頭髮當晚餐!
All over the shop.這個表達絕對與逛街無關。它是在描述一個人很沒有組織。如果某個人告訴你,"you're all over the shop,"你應該再三思考一下。倫敦人也可以這麼說,all over the gaff。
Smashing.不是的,這指的不是要雜碎東西!這通常被用來說明一樣東西很好或非常好。例如,"Last night's party was smashing!"
Hank Marvin.如果某人說,"I'm Hank Marvin!"他(她)不是在自我介紹。這意思是指一個人很飢餓。例如,"What do you want to eat for dinner? I'm Hank Marvin!"這就是一個倫敦音韻俚語的例子-Hank Marvin與starvin'音韻相似,就是飢餓的意思。
Let's have a bubble bath.不用擔心,倫敦人不會真的要你與他一起洗泡泡浴。bubble bath的真正意思是a laugh。他們只是希望你與他們一起歡笑而已。