A much-hyped protest for the right to go topless on Rio de Janeiro’s beaches fell flat Saturday when only a handful of women bared their chests for the movement.
More than 100 photojournalists stampeded across the golden sands of Ipanema beach when the first woman took off her bikini top to flout Brazilian law. Just three or four other women joined in.
"A breast isn’t dangerous!’’ said Olga Salon, a 73-year-old Rio native, as she stripped off her black tank top. "It’s a false-Puritanism and indicative of our macho culture that we have a law forbidding that a woman can go topless.’’
Internationally, Brazil has a reputation as a nation of liberal sexual mores, where nudity is not only tolerated but enthusiastically embraced during Carnival parades. The hundreds of thousands of foreigners who’ll descend on Brazil for next year’s World Cup and the Olympics two years later will indeed see the famed ``dental floss’’ bikinis that expose the wearer’s rear end.
But under Brazil’s penal code, which dates back to the 1940s, female toplessness is an ``obscene act,’’ punishable by three months to a year in prison, or fines. (AP)
fall flat:動詞片語,失敗,(未達預期效果)反應不佳。例句:This marketing strategy fell flat.(這套行銷策略完全失敗了。)
stampede:動詞或名詞,大批湧來,爭先恐後奔竄,使衝動行動。例句:A false fire alarm caused the crowd stampede. (火災假警報引發這起群眾踩踏事件。)
flout:動詞,藐視、輕蔑。例句:He was charged for flouting court orders.(他因藐視法院命令遭起訴。)