聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6783676
The War of Mapping Service:iOS 6 Gets Rid of Google Maps
蘋果在今年全球開發者大會上展示全新作業系統 iOS 6,並宣布地圖服務將捨棄 Google Map,改用自行開發的地圖程式,該程式擁有飛行瀏覽及轉彎提示導航。一般認為,蘋果此舉也拉高了與Google之間的緊張關係。據統計,使用Google Map的流量有半數來自iOS裝置,因此Google 團隊一直密切注意蘋果的動向,並提前公布 Google Maps諸多新服務。蘋果iOS6也宣告與 Google 的智慧型手機戰線,延伸到地圖服務領域。
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Since (A)launching in 2007, Apple’s iPhone has featured Google’s mapping software on its home screen, allowing iPhone owners to quickly find directions and see nearby terrain.
2007年iOS開始在iPhone上執行,當時即配有 Google 地圖軟體並建立圖示在手機主螢幕上,讓使用者能迅速確認附近地區以及自己所在位置。
On June 11 at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple Senior Vice President Scott Forstall announced a long-expected divorce: Google Maps has been ousted as a default app on the iPhone and iPad in favor of Apple’s (B)home-cooked alternative.
在今年6月11日的蘋果全球研發者大會上,蘋果資深副總裁 Scott Forstall宣布讓外界等待已久的業務切割,Google Maps 將不被iPhone和iPad採用,並使用自製的地圖程式。
Maps are among the most popular apps on smart phones, and the location data they generate is essential for understanding and interacting with users—allowing companies to send them ads for the nearest shops. Apple found itself uncomfortably dependent on a (C)chief rival.
On June 6, Google (1.)touted its fleet of airplanes, owned and operated by contractors, which taking photos of cities at varying angles.
早在6月6日時, Google 大肆宣傳一批由贊助商提供及操作的飛機,這些飛機也也從不同角度拍攝城市。
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6783676