聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6667210
Print is Dead? Magazines Try Another Way Out
根據調查,雜誌實體廣告支出下滑,數位廣告部分則出現上揚,也吸引更多出版商使用平板電腦等電子閱讀器的新方式。進入本文前,請想想以下單字:(A)保存期限 (B)廣告支出 (C)引人入勝
Unlike newspapers, most magazines did not have large classified-ad sections to lose to the internet, and their material has a longer (A)shelf-life.
"People identify closely with the magazines they read, and advertisers therefore love magazines,” said Paul-Bernhard Kallen, the chairman of Hubert Burda Media, a large German publisher.
德國大型出版商 Hubert Burda Media 總裁 Paul-Bernhard Kallen 說:「讀者會自行選擇想看的雜誌,而廣告商也樂於下廣告給雜誌。」
However, according to the Publishers’ Information Bureau, in U.S, the number of ad pages in magazines has dropped for three quarters in a row. "But that is partly cyclical," said Nina Link, the MPA’s head, “and it doesn’t account for the growing number of ads in digital form.”
據美國印刷資訊協會的資料,雜誌廣告內頁數量已連續三個季度出現下滑。MPA協會執行長 Nina Link 說,這其實有部分是景氣問題,另外這份資料也沒有包含正在成長的數位廣告。
Ad pages continue to decline despite modest increases in overall (B) ad spending, with Kantar Media estimating that total U.S. ad spending increased 2.6% in the first quarter, while Nielsen (1)pegged the growth rate at 2.1%.
整體廣告支出增加,然而廣告頁數卻持續減少。據Kantar Media 預期整體美國廣告支出於第一季增加2.6%,而尼爾森則維持原先預期於2.1%。
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6667210