一個字 兩樣情

英文的單字,一個字常常有好幾個意思,也造成一個句子會有好幾種意思。不熟悉那個文化,就沒辦法從情境中判斷某字的確切意義,誤會因此產生,很多在外商公司工作的人,應該心有同感吧。 我們來看看幾個例子:

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三種方法 英文聽起來更自然


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6個簡單片語 英文活起來


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Lady Gaga Launches Born This Way Foundation

'This is not an anti-bullying foundation; this is a youth-empowerment foundation,' Mother Monster says at Harvard launch event.

Lady Gaga arrives at Harvard University to launch her <i>Born This Way</i> Foundation on Wednesday

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Olympics: Queen and Duke to open London 2012 Games

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Tokyo Sky Tree: The birth of the world's tallest broadcasting tower

Tokyo Sky Tree, the world's tallest free-standing broadcast tower, is pictured here from a Mainichi helicopter in Tokyo's Sumida Ward on Feb. 28, 2012, a day before construction of the tower is officially completed. (Mainichi)

Tokyo Sky Tree, the world's tallest free-standing broadcast tower, is pictured here from a Mainichi helicopter in Tokyo's Sumida Ward on Feb. 28, 2012, a day before construction of the tower is officially completed. (Mainichi)

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Someone living from paycheck to paycheck 月光族

在「歐豬五國」(PIIGS) - 葡萄牙 (Portugal)、愛爾蘭 (Ireland)、義大利 (Italy)、希臘 (Greece) 和西班牙 (Spain) - 國債高築的危機影響下,全球經濟要死不活,台灣亦受到影響,經濟欲振乏力,失業人口仍不在少數。即使那些慶幸自己還能朝九晚五的人,也是誠惶誠恐,無薪假、減薪等之陰霾依然籠罩頭頂,揮之不去。由於大多數企業已多年未調薪,即使加薪亦趕不上飛漲的物價,許多人賴以餬口的死薪水越變越薄,不是每月花光光、就是入不敷出。

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Those who 的句型

Those (people) who = They/People who = Such (people) as + 複數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人們」。這是 those who 的複數句型,但我們亦可用下面的單數句型來表達相同的意思:He/One who = Anyone who = Whoever + 單數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人」。請看下面的例句:

Those who have money do not want for friends. (凡是有錢的人都不會缺乏朋友)

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這是一種句型的俗稱;由於這種句型實在太重要、太常用了,大家一定要把它學會,而且要運用自如。這種句型的基本結構為「find, make 等6個常用動詞 + it (形式受詞) + 形容詞/名詞 (受詞補語) + that 子句/不定詞片語/動名詞片語 (真正受詞)」。在此結構中,"6″ 是指主句中常用的6個動詞 (think, believe, make, find, consider, feel),"1″ 是指形式受詞 it,"2″ 是受詞補語的兩種形式 (形容詞或名詞),而 "3″ 則是指真正受詞的3種形式 (不定式片語,動名詞片語或 that 所引導的受詞子句 — 這個that 不能省略)。請看下面的例句:

  1. We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day. (我們認為每天打掃教室是我們的責任) — 句中 it = to clean our…
  2. He felt it very important learning English well. (他覺得把英文學好很重要) — 句中 it = learning English…
  3. They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days. (他們覺得要在兩天內完成他們的工作是有困難的) — 句中 it = that they would…。

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