Spice up your nightlife with English/說英語讓你的夜生活增添一些趣味 (中英對照 精華文章)
資料來源: http://www.english.com.tw/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=396
Dressed to the nines
在準備從家中出外過夜生活前總是離不開家裡面裝滿衣服的衣櫃,鏡子及一些你可以想像到的東西!當你dressed to the nines,意思是你穿著盛裝打扮一番。例如:你或許會說:「If we're going to the cocktail party we'd better get dressed to the nines! 」
Grab a bite to eat
你或許想要在夜生活開始前先到一家餐廳吃一些快速的晚餐或咖啡,我們稱之為「grabbing a bite to eat.」例如:你的朋友或許會問你:「Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go out?」
Go and catch a flick
在早一些些你可以去電影院看一部新的電影。不正式的說法,當我們正要去看電影可以這樣說:「going to catch a flick」例如:你的朋友也許會說:「Let's go and catch a flick at the cinema tonight!」
Paint the town red
現在,每一個人大概已經準備好放鬆心情來歡樂一下了!這就是我們所說的「painting the town red」,和一些朋友們準備一個很精采的夜生活了!所以,當你的朋友問你:「Do you want to go and paint the town red?」他們並不是想要你帶著油漆及畫筆呢!
Go bar-hopping
Shoot some pool
While 「bar-hopping」當你或許會想要快速打一下撞球。不用擔心,這不是你聽到的如此危險-「shooting some pool」意思只是說要打撞球!
Dance the night away
當bar-hopping聽到一些音樂後大概想去跳舞了!「Dancing the night away」意思是說跳個幾個鐘頭的舞後一直到隔天的早晨。所以當某人隔天問起為何如此累,你可以告訴他們:「Because last night I danced the night away!」
Scott Brennan
It's the weekend, and it's time to have some good times! With so many entertainment possibilities, it's good to be armed with a variety of fun expressions that you can use.
Dressed to the nines
Any big night out begins at home with a wardrobe full of clothes, a mirror and some imagination! When you are dressed to the nines it means that you are wearing some seriously fashionable clothes. For example, you might say, "If we're going to the cocktail party we'd better get dressed to the nines!"
Grab a bite to eat
You may want to start the night with a quick dinner at a restaurant or cafe, which we call grabbing a bite to eat. For example, your friend might ask you, "Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go out?"
Go and catch a flick
Early evening is a great time to pay a visit to the local cinema and catch up on the latest big movie. Informally, we say that we are going to catch a flick when we are going to watch a movie. For example, your friends may say, "Let's go and catch a flick at the cinema tonight!"
Paint the town red
By now, everyone is probably ready to let loose and have some fun! This is what we call painting the town red, having a really great night out with friends! So, when you're friends asks "Do you want to go and paint the town red?" they're not expecting you to bring paint and paintbrushes!
Go bar-hopping
Part of your big night out might include stopping into a few bars for some relaxing drinks and to meet up with friends. By bar-hopping we mean that you go to one bar for a while, and then hop, or move on, to several more.
Shoot some pool
While bar-hopping you might spot a pool table and feel like having a quick game or two. Don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it sounds - shooting some pool simply means to play pool!
Dance the night away
Hearing lots of music while bar-hopping has probably got everyone in the mood for a disco! Dancing the night away means to dance for hours and hours until the early hours of the next morning. So when someone asks you the next day why you are so tired, you can tell them, "Because last night I danced the night away!"
By Scott Brennan