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Job hunting? How to build motivation
找工作嗎? 如何激發你的動力

/ Chris G

The financial crisis of 2008 has left millions out of work, but this year, the economy is showing signs of a rebound. Many out-of-work people are once again job hunting and eager to rejoin the workforce. However, jobs are still hard to find, and many companies are still not hiring.  What can you do if your job search has been long and without success? 


Start your day with structure

"Get up every morning at your usual time and dress as if you're going to work -- because you are going to work, except now your work is finding a new job," says Richard S. Deems.

每天早上一樣早起準備,就像要去上班一樣,因為你的確是去上班,只不過所謂的「上班」是找工作。Richard S. Deems 說。

While it may be tempting to sleep in or lounge around in pajamas, getting your day moving can provide apsychological boost. "I think that keeping a schedule has helped me," says Cherie C. of Denver, who has been unemployed for nearly a year. "I wake up with my partner as he prepares for work, shower, dress and tackle the job search."

雖然很容易就想賴床,或穿著睡衣在家裡東模模西摸摸,不過一起床就開始有事做可以增加心理上的正面效果。「我覺得每天有個要需執行的時間表很有幫助, 我跟我的另一半一起床後,他準備上班,我洗澡、穿衣服,然後開始面對找工作的挑戰。」住在丹佛的Cherie C.說。

Use your computer -- and then get away from it


Designate certain periods of the day as computer time -- then resist the urge to constantly check e-mail or see if one new position got posted. Too much screen time can zap energy. Instead, find other productive ways to pass the time.

鎖定一天中的某個時段為「電腦時間」再來就控制自己不要動不動就查你的電子信箱或看有沒有什麼新的工作機會。花太多時間在電腦前會耗力氣, 所以想些其他的方法來充實的運用時間。

While some job seekers may feel guilty about spending free time doing anything besides looking for employment, exploring interests can be rejuvenating -- and potentially rewarding -- during a trying time.


Give yourself a break


"On days when I lack motivation and don't want to send a résumé, I really try to push myself to keep working, but sometimes I've found it's best to wait a day," Cherie C. notes. "Sending a résumé while in a sad or defeated mood could lead to typos or other errors that could cost me consideration for the job. I take a short break and try to refresh myself."


It is easy to feel frustrated when your inbox is filled with rejections, but remember that setbacks are only a bump on a long career path that will have ups and downs. Take a look at your résumé to remind yourself of what you have accomplished, and when you're feeling better about your capabilities, get back to sending it out. Someone out there is waiting to read it. 




1 John is always tackling his boss’s requests. John 總是在處理/對付他老闆的要求。

2The manager has to tackle to budget problem of his department soon. 主管必須儘快處理他部門的預算問題。

3The newly elected president promised to tackle the economy once he is in the White House. 新上任的總統承諾他入主白宮後會勇於面對並克服經濟的不景氣。
在這句中,tackle 不是對付,也不是處理,因為經濟的不景氣是個挑戰,而且是必須解決、克服的。

在英文裡,很多字同時具有很多意思,會隨著句中的其他字而有所變化。 一開始或許有判斷的困難,不過隨著接觸次數的增加,就能自然的慢慢理解其中用法的差別。

Psychological Boost

這個字分別為「心理上的」 與 「提高」。不過,特別要提的是"boost"自然的就有「加強」的意思,而且是正面的。也因此可以接在很多形容詞後來描述任何東西得到加強的效果。psychological雖然單看沒有特別的意思,不過因為boost有加強又有正面的意義,因此兩個字加在一起就是「心理上的正面效果加強」。

例:John got a confidence boost when he was promoted to manager. John升遷為主管時,自信增加。


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