Skaar and other experts have also highlighted the importance of teaching kids to prepare their own lunches. Young adults in particular need to understand that they are responsible for making sure they eat healthily. Skaar's youngest daughter, 16, no longer uses her Disney lunchbox. But she still likes taking a lunch to her high school, now in a plain bag. "I still feel it's really important for her to have good things to eat during the day," Skaar said. "Every so often I've given my kids the opportunity to buy things at the school. Always they come back and say, 'There's just nothing really good to choose from.' They got in the habit of liking and wanting the homemade lunch they make themselves." She encourages her children to create their own healthy lunches and asks them what foods they want for their lunches when she goes shopping. Her kids' favorite items to pack include cheese, yogurt, fresh fruit, grapes, tomatoes, sandwiches or rice cakes with peanut butter, and a protein bar. "We need to try and get away from those processed foods and try to eat things that are fresher," Skaar said. For drinks, she advises checking the labels to see how many calories they contain. When it comes to picky eaters, Skaar said kids might require multiple exposures to a new food. She recalled her daughter's first experience with whole-grain bread. "The first time I made her sandwich with whole-grain bread, she said, 'Oh, Mom, you gave me cardboard bread.' I just sort of ignored it and kept buying it. It wasn't too much longer when she said to me, 'You know, Mom, I like the cardboard bread.'"