講英文最怕直接翻譯,生生澀澀的,像菜沒煮熟;要「煮熟」你的英文,最好的方法就是:找出那些依賴中文思考就講不出的句型/字或詞,這類的句子,大部份都不難,差在「沒想到」,沒想到的這些死角,我們稱之為"Blind Corner"。
1. Or what
Are we good friends or what 我們可不是好朋友?
Are you going or what 你到底去不去?
2. Down the road
A: I want to quit. It is just too hard to take care of the baby with the job.我想辭職了。一面照顧寶寶一面工作太難了。
B: Hang in there. You'll really thank yourself for it five years down the road. 忍耐吧! 五年後,妳會很感謝妳自己。
He will change down the road. 他日後會改變的。(Down the road也可以說down the line。)
3. Way
way too much, I just have way too much going on in my life right now, I cannot visit you as I would like to. 我現在忙得一塌糊塗,我想多看你但沒有辦法。
It is way too far/ way too much. Two thumbs way up. 實在是太棒了。
4. Bleeding edge
bleeding edge 是一個新名詞,是從 leading edge / cutting edge (最尖端) 這個詞變化過來的,至於為什麼會用"bleeding" (流血)呢?用bleeding表達了這產品實在是太新了,所以擁有它是要付出代價的。
No longer bleeding edge, mobile and wireless are becoming essential part of the modern office. 移動無線已經是一種成熟技術,也成為辦公室不可缺少的工具。
5. Roll
Can our team keep rolling? 我隊還能保持優勢嗎?
Let's roll. 讓我們開始吧!讓我們繼續前進吧。
I am glad that you have got the ball rolling.我很高興你已經把事情推動運作起來了。