英文裡有很多字,既是名詞又是動詞,像value, account, verge......一旦我們熟悉這些字的名詞形式,就會依賴它們的名詞形式,一用再用,動詞形式自然就鈍化了。學會用「名詞的動詞形式」,英文會好到你自己也意想不到的境界。
MediaTek is number one in worldwide market share for various high-end digital consumer products.
MediaTek ranks first in worldwide market share for various high-end digital consumer products.
The total of your bill is NT$ 500
Your bill totals to NT$ 500.
Her TOEIC scores are good.
She scores well on the TOEIC test.
His weight is 75kgs.
He weighs 75Kgs.
We form a team for this new project.
We team up for this new project.
The bank gave us a credit of 50,000 dollars.
The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us.
這類字還有很多,像schedule, measure, progress, access, fold, sort, spin, average.....我概稱之為2nd tier verbs,現在讓你的名詞動態出現,你講的是動感英文:有節奏和速度感!