假如你講英文總是見骨不見肉,只夠表達出你心裡想法的梗概,不豐富、不精確,當然也說不上優雅精緻。我們來談談怎麼讓你的語言表達從A到A+,英文表達裡出現Advanced Structure。
說英文的時候,我們的大腦運作其實和搜尋引擎很像,要表達一個訊息時,它會用最短的時間,去"match"一個或一群最接近的元素。例如:He understood immediately. (他立刻就懂了)。句子這麼講也沒錯,但反反覆覆都是這類表達,I'll be there immediately. We'll finish it soon. 句子單調到不行,怎麼可能優雅豐富呢?
現在如果你把它改成→ He understood the very first time. 意思一樣,但表達的多樣性就出現了。英文從A到A+,大部份都不是處理「對不對」,而是「好不好」。也因此"Paraphrase"(改寫、重寫)的練習是少不了的。現在看看怎麼paraphrase吧!
1. I haven't seen her for ages.
The _____ was 10 years ago.
A. last time we saw
B. latest time I saw her
C. last time I saw her
2. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a bicycle.
Helmets must be worn _____ when riding a motorcycle.
A. all times
B. all the times
C. at all times
3. I thought parking was allowed here.
I _____ that parking was allowed here.
A. under the impression
B. was under the impression
C. am under the impression
4. His daughter continued to cry until he could not be seen any longer.
She continued to cry until he ____.
A. was in sight
B. was out of sight
C. went out sight
5. I'm afraid that computer is just too expensive.
That computer is _____.
A. out of means
B. beyond my means
C. out of means to do
6. Can I accompany you to the party?
Do you _____ to the party?
A. mind my coming
B. mind if I can
C. mind I can
7. You should feel horrible! Why did you say that to Jane?
_____ you! Why did you say that to Jane?
A. Shame on
B. Shame of
C. Shame for
8. The authorities said she wasn't responsible for the accident.
The accident _____.
A. wasn't her fault.
B. fault wasn't of her
C. was her fault.
1.C, 2.C, 3.B, 4.B, 5.B, 6.A, 7.A, 8.A