聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6319787
「股神」巴菲特,以其睿智的投資匯集了龐大的資產,近期「富比士」雜誌(Forbes)披露了他二十五歲初入職場的轉折與抉擇,究竟當年的他都在想什麼,又做了什麼關鍵決定?本文引述自他最新自述,看完後,也許能勾起你和巴菲特一樣的那份執著和熱情!閱讀本文前,請先想想以下財經詞彙的英文怎麼說:(1)避險基金 (2)複利 (3)清償公司債務
Benjamin Graham had been my idol ever since I read his book The Intelligent Investor. I had wanted to go to Columbia Business School because he was a professor there, and after I got out of Columbia, returned to Omaha, and started selling securities, I didn’t forget about him. Between 1951 and 1954, I made a pest of myself, sending him frequent securities ideas. Then I got a letter back: “Next time you’re in New York, come and see me.”
So there I went, and he offered me a job at Graham-Newman Corp., which he ran with Jerry Newman. Everyone says that A.W. Jones started the hedge fundindustry, but Graham-Newman’s sister partnership, Newman and Graham, was actually an earlier fund.
青少年時期讀了班傑明葛拉漢(Benjamin Graham)的書後,他就成了我的偶像。這也是我後來讀哥倫比亞大學商學院的原因:葛拉漢就在那兒任教職。完成商學院學業後,我回到老家奧瑪哈賣保險,卻始終無法忘懷為偶像工作的夢想。於是我頻繁寫信給葛拉漢,大聊我的保險經。終於,對方親自回信,甚至要我去紐約為他的避險基金(hedge fund)公司工作。
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6319787