聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6099019
(A) 核能反應爐
(B) 治癌化學物質
(C) 電話竊聽
(D) 八卦小報
Masataka Shimizu, head of the Tokyo Electric Power Co., known as Tepco, largely disappeared from public view after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami set off the worst radiation release since Chernobyl. Subsequently, reports surfaced that senior Tepco engineers had known for years that five of the company’s tennuclear reactors in Fukushima prefecture had a dangerous design flaw. But the company failed to make upgrades, dooming the reactors to a series of meltdowns and explosions when the 45-foot tsunami hit. Shimizu resigned in May.
William Weldon, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson, is also on the list. International consumer and environmental groups have been pressing J&J to remove two potentially cancer-causing chemicals from baby products, including Johnson’s Baby Shampoo. Though the chemicals have been eliminated from products in several other countries, including the U.K and South Africa, J&J has yet to alter its baby products in the U.S.
嬌生公司的總裁William Weldon也是榜上有名。嬌生旗下所生產的兩款嬰兒用品內含可能治癌物質,儘管嬌生已將其化學物質自英國與南非等國移除,但美國國內至今都尚未完全處理完畢。
聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6099019