聯合翻譯引用自 商業英語世界觀-世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/5120414
Do you ever get the feeling some companies just have too much money for their own good? And that maybe they could be using it to better purpose than lining lawyers' pockets?
Microsoft and Apple are currently embroiled in a fairly ridiculous court case over whether Apple should be allowed to trademark the phrase "App Store".
微軟和蘋果最近捲入一場荒謬的官司:蘋果能不能拿"App Store"這個詞註冊商標?
In the latest salvo, Microsoft has continued its opposition to Apple with testimony from linguist, Dr Ronald R Butters, PhD, arguing that app store just means "store at which apps are offered for sale". Butters has been employed to refute testimony for Apple by Dr Robert A. Leonard, PhD, who argued App Store was a proper noun that had become associated with Apple. Or something like that. It's all a bit complicated, semantic even.
微軟引用語言學家Ronald R Butters的意見,稱"App Store"這個片語意為“出售應用軟體的商店”,是通用詞彙(就跟“五金行”一樣,沒人會用這種詞來註冊商標),不能用來當商標的名字。蘋果則聘請Robert A. Leonard教授辯護,認為App Store是專有名詞,而且一說就使人聯想到蘋果,當然可以拿來做商標名。從語義學上看的確蠻複雜。
聯合翻譯引用自 商業英語世界觀-世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/5120414