11. 他想占我便宜。
原句: He is trying to take advantage from me.
改述:He is trying to cash in on me.
12. 這很合我胃口。
原句: It's my favorite.
改述:It's my cup of tea.
13. 我有什麼好處?
原句: What's my share?
改述:"What's my cut?"
14. 不要這個樣子啦!
原句: Don't be like that.
改述:Cut it out.
15. 我全不懂。
原句:I don't understand.
改述:It's all Greek to me.
16. 我經濟很困難。
原句:I don't have money.
改述:I'm hard up.
17. 這件事很受人歡迎。
原句:It's very popular.
改述:It's a hit.
18. 你終於打破了僵局。
原句: You finally broke through.
改述: You finally broke the ice.
19. 我有什麼好處?
原句: What's my benefit?
改述:What's in it for me?
20. 有什麼條件?
原句: What’s the condition?
改述:What’s the catch?