Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets President Barack Obama...
The instructor told Mori Prime Minister,” when you shake hand with President Obama,” please say” how are you ". Then Mr. Obama should say," I am fine, and you? “Now, you should say” me too ". Afterwards we, translators, will do the work for you."
翻譯官告訴森總理,當你與歐巴馬總統握手時,請說「你好嗎」(how are you)歐巴馬會回答「我很好,你呢? 」這時你必須回答「我也是」(me too),接下來就是我們翻譯人員的事了。
It looks quite simple, but the truth is...
When Mori met Obama, he mistakenly said “who are you?” (Instead of "How are you?".)
"當森總理會見歐巴馬時,他誤說成「你是誰?」(who are you,他把who和how誤用了)
Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor: “Well, I'm Michelle's husband, ha-ha...
Then Mori replied” me too, ha-ha....”
Then there was a long silence in the meeting room…
當然了,講對英文對多數上班族而言不會是生死交關,但如果講對不太費力,還是講對好。以下來看看一字之差,謬以千里的英文範例,on a cloud, under a cloud 以及in the clouds的意思有多大的差別。
1. on a cloud
On a cloud是很高興的意思,高興得走路輕飄飄,好像走在雲端。
I've been on a cloud all day long--I heard this morning that I’ll be promoted next month.
2. under a cloud
Under a cloud是負面的意思,under a cloud在雲底下的人高興不起來,因為under a cloud是丟臉、被人懷疑的意思。
See that man sitting at the table by himself? He's supposed to be a very smart lawyer, but he's been under a cloud ever since he was mixed up in a scandal.
3. in the clouds
每個人都day dream(做白日夢)的時候。一邊走路,一邊在想心事,完全沒注意到身邊發生什麼事。老外管它叫:in the clouds。In the clouds可以解釋為:心不在焉,absent-minded。
I was really embarrassed at the meeting--the boss asked me a question and I didn't even hear him; I was daydreaming and my head was in the clouds.