你寫過辭職信嗎?怎麼樣的辭職信會讓老闆又驚又喜?不久前有一封離職信在網路上火紅,號稱全世界最甜美的辭職信,寫在蛋糕上的辭職信,英國的Daily Mail網站上的標題是:Saying goodbye is such sweet sorrow。 原來服務於英國機場的移民官Chris Holmes,太太剛生了小孩,他想開家蛋糕店,可以更有彈性陪伴家人,於是他別出心裁把離職信「寫」在蛋糕上,離職前也趁機為自己的新事業打廣告。 當他親自把蛋糕端給上司,主管又驚又喜。Chris說:「我的離職屬於好聚好散型,希望讓大家嚐到好滋味。」('I thought it was a good natured resignation and hopefully left a nice taste in their mouths.) 我們一起來看這封信他怎麼寫:
To The Management,
Border Force, Stansted:
(給一個不得不所以然的原因) Today is my 31st birthday, and having recently become a father I now realise have precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy.
(告訴別人你的"action") For that reason I hereby give notice of my resignation, in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family, and to my cake business which has grown steadily over the past few years.
(維持善意,還不忘做生意) I wish the organization and my colleagues the best for the future and I remind you that, if you enjoy this cake, you can order more at www.mrcake.co.uk Sincerely, Chris Holmes (Mr. Cake)
- 我想拓展我的視野。(X) I want to . (O) I want to . Horizons的複數指「視野」;(知識、經驗等的)範圍」,拓展視野horizon用複數。Widen my view不是自然用法。
widen my view
expand my horizons - 我不想重覆做相同的事,所以才辭職。
(X) I quit because I don’t want to keep doing the same thing.
(O) I quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut. Rut是車輪的痕跡,看過車輪在泥濘裡打轉無法前進嗎?"stuck in a rut"的原意就是如此,它廣泛的引申為「週而復始的做著同樣的事情而無法突破」,需要嘗試新的挑戰最常用的一個成語。 - 我在這裡待太久了,想轉換一下環境。
(X) I’ve been here too long. I want to change the company.
(O) I've been here for too long.I want to move on.
Change the company是改變公司,換工作可以用career move或是change jobs。但move on聽來讓人舒服。 - 我辭職是因為我想嘗試不一樣的東西。
(X) I'm quitting because I want to try new thing.
(O) I'm quitting because I want to try something new.
Try new thing文法不對,假如你要嘗試的事是預期中的,你可以說try new things,但多半嘗試新事物,既是新的,就不在預期中,用try something new更切合實情。