Murphy's Law(莫非定律),顛覆了所有金科玉律的「定律」。每一則都把我們生活中的挫折、尷尬,想戳破又捨不得的小動作,寫成令人捧腹的幽默定律,打到心頭,總是讓人不自覺「哎呀!」叫出一聲,又痛又想大笑!像是"別試圖教豬唱歌,這樣不但不會有結果,還會惹豬不高興!"
1. 沒什麼事情像看上去一樣簡單。
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
2. 每件事總比你估計要花多一點時間。
Everything takes longer than you think.
3. 凡事只要可能出錯,就一定會出錯。
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
4. 當你準備好要做事了,總有些別的事你得先做。
Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
5. 事情如果還能更糟的話,它一定會更糟。
If anything can go wrong, it will.
6. 你總能找出一個更容易的方法,在你已經做完這件事以後。
You will find an easy way to do it, after you've finished doing it
7. 東西永遠在最不可能被發現的地方被發現。
You will always find something in the last place you look.
8. 沒有什麼事是永遠正確的,如果你發現它很正確,那一定是哪裡出錯了。
In nature, nothing is ever right. Therefore, if everything is going right ...something is wrong。
9. 規則不容易掌握,一旦掌握了,規則又變了。
It takes forever to learn the rules and once you've learned them they change again
10. 每一個解決辦法都會衍生新的問題。
Every solution breeds new problems.