Blind Corner就是講中文的人說英文時碰不到的死角,要讓自己英文好,重點不在你說錯了什麼,而在你沒說什麼,這些就是你說不出來的句子。這七句話用在經營管理上,再恰當也不過了。
- A new president is at the helm of the company this year. (指揮、入主)
- The manager presides over the business of the department store.
(負責、主持) - You seem to subscribe to the manager's proposal that the meeting be delayed until next Wednesday. (同意、支持)
- The sales manager recently had a go at the East Asian market. (躍躍欲試)
- The online bank is in service around the clock. (24小時)
- Please proceed with your presentation.(繼續)
- If you insist, I will comply with your request. (依從)