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Former Microsoft Executive Calls for "Gutsy" Leadership in New Book 


What's Holding You Back? That's the question Bob Herbold, Microsoft's former chief operating officer, wants answered. His latest focuses on ten principles anyone who wears a leadership badge should be putting into practice. From shaking up the organization to cleaning up sloppiness to staffing effectively, Herbold calls it "gutsy" leadership, and he tackles each of these with straightforward, no-nonsense writing. 


微軟前營運長Bob Herbold二月中旬出版了一本近書「是什麼讓你退怯?」他認為既然有領導頭銜,就應當付諸實踐,他用「陣風領導」(Gusty leadership)這樣的字眼,提出領導者的10大原則。他處理的問題,從組織重整,到工作效率提升、人員配置整頓。文章剖析入理、直言不諱。 


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